Wednesday, December 25, 2002 :::
what i need to do today is get cracking on motion to compel discovery/opposition to motion to quash.
+ second request for discovery.
possibly other filings including demand for jury trial.
::: posted by gt at 12:11 PM
it's been awhile. i have some notes for a disney blog entry.
today, christmas: snow. i weatherstripped some doors and windows, need to fix hole in front window. mostly of course i am doing nothing, just hanging out online. i'm pondering what to use to fix hole, i am going to try cardboard and caulk since i can't find the duct tape.
some high points of my xmas: 1) i got my neighbor totoro for denise and denephew. i hand it to her and she says "I hate that!" but so far she's watched it 3 times and wants to keep watching it.
2) danny sed merry christmas. he's 14, british. cute although our interaction is entirely aboveboard.
3) an actual xmas card, from zorry.
4) some nice seasonal mojo at wwdn.
low points: i was really bummed last night because between the weather (ended up 8 inches of snow) and me getting over the flu
i didn't make it downtown to give dannon his christmas stocking of coal. i'd gotten the stocking, the coal, the bike to go downtown with, just couldn't quite pull it off. similarly, older sister and the two non-cute cousins got a can of beans with a note that says may be exchanged for 4 presents of choice.. those guys are hard to shop for.
::: posted by gt at 12:09 PM
Thursday, December 05, 2002 :::
view web page button isn't working.
::: posted by gt at 8:34 PM
today: didn't get stuff written down for court tomorrow. did pay electric bill so won't be turned off. did collect rent from joell. did download a bunch of my wwdn posts to my wwdn blog, and even figured out how to revise the template to add links. did go to the site and try to cut weeds, failed. note joells birthday monday. did tell j. something really really stupid: sed i love you. that was inappropriate and i'll have to backtrack.j and i are pals and we are having fun flirting but
i can't make it into something it isn't and won't be. didn't: really eat anything today. had a little soup this a.m. i guess.
::: posted by gt at 8:33 PM
Sunday, December 01, 2002 :::
so thats smokey joanna mike his sister chris josh nick joell danny asshole (jesse) drunk punk, i know i'm leaving out half.
this feels like kim's game.. why can't i remember who all was there? oh my lesbian buddy april who still owes joell money., and her morphine-using pal, who are staying with josh. rodger and carrie. roger and carrie are a couple who's ex's are engaged to each other and pregnant. joe and joanie. they swapped like science fiction writers used to do. that's 15. i'm sure there were tohers, plus people there when i wasn't.
::: posted by gt at 3:53 PM
last night was a slow night at the party. who was there? smoky and joanna, who wil give my number to her sister cricket. mike and his sister who used to go out with smurf. chris, fresh out of 3 months in jail. plead to an arson he didn't do to avoid attempted murder... some kind of ex girlfriend owed money for pot so he stole some stuff kinda story. josh is back at hollywood bar, cleaning himself up a lot, still on woodruff, west drive now tho. joell and big nick left for awhile and i left early. noise till 6 am.danny and "asshole" as usual, they live there. that drunk punk kid, 19, annoying. kidd's one had weed. comedy central is the new trend over there. south park was better than ok. saw the man show and jimmy kimmel for the first time, it's what i expected. i'm not into crankyankers, a show about naughty muppets.
earlier that day i checked out the burned house across the street. nothing. one mysterious locked room might be worth another visit. it's just a pantry but could have unburned food.
friday night crew included joell's cousin, one of the twins, pocas, mj, oren, nate of course, duke i think, small crowd watching tv. tara got me high and victor told her the whole story about how beth's boyfriend faces the death penalty in georgia, why victor spent a week in jail over that, that the guy's awol from the gaurd when he kills the two people who were helping him, crank at the bottom of all this.might be an interesting article there somewhere.
::: posted by gt at 3:50 PM
gettin actual work done today. i remember this stuff. useta do it a lot. i'm not doing the most imporant things first.
i did make an attempt to go through the steps: to do list, daily task list, prioritize daily task list.
i did the dishes, which is my -almost ready to work- ritual, and prepared some routine motions in my 3 campaign finance cases. 90% anyway. "the first 90% of the tast takes 90% of the budgeted time, and the last 10% takes the other 90%"
anyway it's possible i'll show up in court on tuesday with actual paperwork this time.
gotta call my ex. - another thing put off so far this weekend. today's the first day i've done anything.
::: posted by gt at 3:30 PM
i was lying in bed thinking. it's 6 am sunday.
i grew up thinking that i would be living in a commune of some kind. not alone in a shack in the ghetto. on the other hand, we have these virtual commuities now, and that's something. it's cold in here. this s less profound than it seemed when i was motivated to get up and write it down. but i'm so lonely. and confused. and out of place. will i ever have some kind of community? back to bed.
::: posted by gt at 2:58 AM