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G.T. Bear's Journal

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Wednesday, November 26, 2003 :::

::: posted by gt at 8:20 PM

11/25/03 9:30 PM
Robbin's notes on Jeannie's comp. entries entries

Blogging light this week. On vacation.
Open to offers of lunch, etc. anywhere between philly and indy on return trip.

Notes on Georgia elections:
Leader ousted following public perceptions of rigged elections.
Illustrated point that government is based on the consent of the governed.
The social function of rights is to protect the government from the people.
The government failed to respect the right (if any) to free and open elections,
So the people withdrew consent, and the government fell. The new government will be led by the people who think they probably would have won if the vote had been counted honestly.
Extra credit: Distinguish Georgia 2003 from Florida 2000. Was it the court that validated the process? Did having an electoral college in the loop help? Is it just that we are more used to elections? Article on some new castle county politician off to jail for not paying taxes on $4K in bribes from developer.

Other blurbs for vark:
Philly abandoned cars article
Mom's story about certificates of occupancy, and the Radison that sits empty because it violates building permit. Builders bankrupt. We drove past it on the way from mom's to where brother in law works. Article on circumcision - 39 states waste medicare funds on it, 11 don't, Delaware doesn't.

Personal junk:
Slept at moms. Dinner at dynasty buffet, tasty, $40. Did laundry. Missed josh, saw Zach and Hannah. Recent journal entries in tiffany catalog to be put online if I can get online.
Mom has computer phobia issues - not sure how to handle that. New owners at Forwood,
No protection from rent increases, thinking about moving, no tenants association, or rather there is one but lacks collective bargaining power. She's thinking of moving to an apartment.
11/26/03 7:30 AM
emotional state: toothache. Upset over zoning situation. trouble sleeping. Could be worse.
Will run out of medicine before I get home. Can't get online.

::: posted by gt at 8:17 PM

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